Friday, 29 April 2016

Weight loss journey

Hi people 😊

So recently i have been thinking about shifting my ever growing podge I've accumilated by eating smaller portion sizes, laying off junk food and fizzy drinks.  So far so good, its easier than i thought it would be.  This is only the third day of my no junk diet and surprisingly, im not craving nor missing any of the things i was eating before.  Now i know people say not to weight yourself everyday but i have been and in 3 days ive lost 5lb.  To me, that is a big acheivement.  So yesterday, i went on impulse and purchased these thermogenic fat burner pills T6 Xplosion and let me tell you.... they arrived today and i took one after i had eaten my lunch.  They are incredible!!! Im buzzin constantly and feel amazing.  I will follow up in a week or so and let you know im getting on.
Ta ta for now xLx

Saturday, 5 March 2016

BFF photo session

These are a few photos I took of my most recent photo session with my beautiful model Diana!  I like to work with her because she happens to be my best friend so there is no awkwardness when taking shots.
Personally the top photo is my favorite but what do you guys think? 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Felicity turns 6!!

So this year 2nd Feb (can't believe where the time goes), my little girl turns 6.  I wanted to do something special as last year, her party was big (and tiring) so this year was a little family gathering.

With no cake baking skills whatsoever, I decided to do something brave and make her a proper birthday cake but............ it had to be a Disney frozen one!  This brought sweats to me as soon as she made her demands so I went shopping just to see what they had.  I had brought this Rice paper head of Elsa off Ebay for £2.69 and I was very surprised how easy it was to stick to a cake.

After 2 failed attempts to make the base part of the cake, I finally mastered the cake and this was the result!

Frozen Elsa birthday cake

Great Potential!

The other day, I was looking through my old hard drives and I had come across all my old photos that had seemed lost.  Photos that I had taken when I first took an interest in Photography.  I still have/use the DSLR I brought which is my Sony A330.  Although probably outdated now, it still does the job I want it to do and more.

These 3 little beauties were in my garden a few years back and they were my first 3 photos I ever took.  I am so proud of these.  Comment and tell me what you think of them, I welcome criticism as I think it makes you better as a person as nobody is perfect.  I have got a lot better with more experience over the years, even taking on a few portrait shoots which I will add at another time.