Thursday, 11 February 2016

Felicity turns 6!!

So this year 2nd Feb (can't believe where the time goes), my little girl turns 6.  I wanted to do something special as last year, her party was big (and tiring) so this year was a little family gathering.

With no cake baking skills whatsoever, I decided to do something brave and make her a proper birthday cake but............ it had to be a Disney frozen one!  This brought sweats to me as soon as she made her demands so I went shopping just to see what they had.  I had brought this Rice paper head of Elsa off Ebay for £2.69 and I was very surprised how easy it was to stick to a cake.

After 2 failed attempts to make the base part of the cake, I finally mastered the cake and this was the result!

Frozen Elsa birthday cake

Great Potential!

The other day, I was looking through my old hard drives and I had come across all my old photos that had seemed lost.  Photos that I had taken when I first took an interest in Photography.  I still have/use the DSLR I brought which is my Sony A330.  Although probably outdated now, it still does the job I want it to do and more.

These 3 little beauties were in my garden a few years back and they were my first 3 photos I ever took.  I am so proud of these.  Comment and tell me what you think of them, I welcome criticism as I think it makes you better as a person as nobody is perfect.  I have got a lot better with more experience over the years, even taking on a few portrait shoots which I will add at another time.