Friday 29 April 2016

Weight loss journey

Hi people 😊

So recently i have been thinking about shifting my ever growing podge I've accumilated by eating smaller portion sizes, laying off junk food and fizzy drinks.  So far so good, its easier than i thought it would be.  This is only the third day of my no junk diet and surprisingly, im not craving nor missing any of the things i was eating before.  Now i know people say not to weight yourself everyday but i have been and in 3 days ive lost 5lb.  To me, that is a big acheivement.  So yesterday, i went on impulse and purchased these thermogenic fat burner pills T6 Xplosion and let me tell you.... they arrived today and i took one after i had eaten my lunch.  They are incredible!!! Im buzzin constantly and feel amazing.  I will follow up in a week or so and let you know im getting on.
Ta ta for now xLx

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